Sunday, September 9, 2018

Descargar Cartas desde Chiapas / Letters from Chiapas: El Principio / The Beginning Carlos Gutierrez Martinez pdf

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This book is in Spanish (este libro esta en espanol). See Dr. Gutierrez reading the introduction and first pages: http: // Dr. Gutierrez wrote letters daily from a small town in the jungle to his parents during his Medical Internship in 1950 and 1951 in the State of Chiapas, Mexico. He was 23 years old and the only doctor for many miles around. He encountered a myriad of diseases and challenges among his patients and describes his experiences in great detail. There was tetanus, diphteria, malaria, firearms, machetes, venomous snakes, rain, heat, mud. He helped and saved many, a few did not make it. He had the only radio in town, he organized soccer and volley ball games, he set up a vaccination campaign. Esta historia consiste de las cartas que escribio el Dr. Carlos Gutierrez Martinez en 1950 y 1951 desde el Estado de Chiapas, Mexico, cuando era un joven de 23 anos de edad haciendo su servicio social para recibirse de Medico Cirujano. Estudio medicina en la Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico. Las cartas son testamento vivido de las experiencias que comenzaron la formacion de este gran.
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